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New Water Velocity Sensor Is Built For Reliability

We has launched a new non-contact surface velocity radar sensor that dramatically improves the simplicity and reliability of stream, river and open channel measurements. Located safely above the water flow, the instrument is protected from the harmful effects of storms and floods, and can be easily integrated into a remote monitoring system.


For over 100 years, our company has been developing and bringing new water monitoring technologies to market, so we have learned a great deal about what the requirements are for reliable instruments that can operate in remote locations and under a variety of flow conditions.

With reliability as the primary objective, The instrument employs a highly accurate radar for non-contact operation and includes sensors for detecting potential sources of error. However, the instrument is also IP68 rated, which means that it is extremely rugged and would even survive complete immersion.

The radar sensor uses the Doppler effect to measure surface velocity from 0.02 to 15 m/s with ± 0.01 m/s accuracy. Automatic data filters are applied to remove the effects of wind, waves, vibration or precipitation.

In summary, The main advantage of the is its ability to measure accurately and reliably across a wide range of conditions, but especially in severe weather incidents where there is a risk of flooding.

From precipitation through surface and ground water to marine monitoring applications, measurement and communication technologies provide a complete picture of the water cycle.

Post time: May-16-2024