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Environmental gas sensor technology finds opportunities in the smart building and automotive markets

Boston, Oct. 3, 2023 / PRNewswire / — Gas sensor technology is turning the invisible into the visible. There are several different types of techniques that can be used to measure analytes that are important for safety and health, that is, to quantify the composition of indoor and outdoor air quality. The focus on sensor networks in smart buildings is expected to increase over the next decade, enabling greater automation and predictive maintenance. Both new and old environmental gas sensing technologies are likely to find opportunities in the air quality monitoring market and related applications such as respiratory diagnostics and electric vehicle battery monitoring.
The use of gas sensors for sophisticated air quality monitoring used to be a challenge for industry managers because it not only informed policy, but also enabled consumers to make more informed decisions about issues such as pollution, airborne epidemics and even climate change choices.
An extensive network of gas sensors will make it possible to automate ventilation in schools and homes, monitor air quality in cities, change public policy, control traffic, and more. The era of gas sensor data as technical information only for scientists is coming to an end and is being replaced by sensors that are easy to use, low power and affordable.
Large-scale digitization of gas measurements will rely on software that goes beyond visualization and adds value through improved sensitivity, related applications, and closed-loop control.
There is no denying that smell is very important to us. The quality of food and drink is usually judged mainly by its smell. They range from whether yesterday’s milk is safe to expert opinions on the merits of wine. Historically, the human nose was the only means humans had of detecting odors – until now.

To learn about the gas sensor, visit the image below

Air quality monitoring technologies: comparison of capabilitieshttps://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/CE-LORA-LORAWAN-GPRS-4G-WIFI_1600344008228.html?spm=a2747.manage.0.0.1cd671d2iumT2T

Post time: Jan-31-2024